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Adopting a special breed: Ragdoll Cats

When it comes to finding a cat breed that's particularly kid-friendly, several breeds are known for their gentle...

ফায়ার সেফটি ট্রেনিং

"Care for Planet-A" এর পক্ষ থেকে বিভিন্ন কনফারেন্সে ফায়ার সেফটি ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এর উপরে যারা রিসার্চ পেপার পাবলিশ করতে...

Intimate Interview with a Friend

ইভানঃ কি খবর দোস্ত? কেমন আছিস?? অনেকদিন পর দেখা হল! এবার তোর একটা ইন্টারভিউও নিয়ে নেয়া যাক, কি বলিস? সুমনঃ দোস্ত, এইগুলা তুই তো লিখবি, এখন তোর মুখে এভাবে শুনে...

New Year’s Eve, 2023

New Year's Eve, 2023 Wiggins Waterfront Park, 2 Riverside Dr, Camden, NJ 08103 Photo Credit: Md Mahfuj Hosen  

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The legendary footballer Pele passed away at the age of 82 last night!   WHO IS PELE? "O Rei" was born in Tres Coracoes, Brazil, on October...


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Route 66: The Mother Road

Route 66: The Mother Road Midwestern & Southwestern United States Hello, inquisitive people. Wander Woman here. Today I’d like to...

Happy Eid Mubarak, Everyone!

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A Ramadan Thanksgiving Potluck

Ramadan was always that time of the year my family and I always looked forward to—the holy month...

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Chocolate Kheer Patisapata

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The Clown Motel-Part 2

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Indonesia has an enormous Muslim population in the world, but there are five other religions acknowledged by the...

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Route 66: The Mother Road

Route 66: The Mother Road Midwestern & Southwestern United States Hello,...

Happy Eid Mubarak, Everyone!

Eid al-Fitr 2023 is on April 20th, and as...

Happy Reading!

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