Unique Ramadhan Tradition in Indonesia

Unique Ramadhan Tradition in Indonesia

All Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadhan. Indonesia has the most Muslim population in the world, and there are many unique traditions to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan. Each province and each race has its traditions, but this time, let me tell you about Mattunu Sulong from Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, Indonesia.

image2 image1 Unique RamadhanMattunu Sulong is a tradition to light a homemade candle all over the house. The candle was made from pounded candlenuts paste mixed with cotton and slathered on small bamboo sticks. During the day, the women will gather around and make the candles together. When the sun sets, people will light the candles and place them on fences, doorways, rooms, and everywhere inside the house. This practice has been done for generations in this area. The flames will symbolize good fortunes, gratitude that the holy month is coming, and a hopeful prayer for complete Ramadhan observances. After all the candles are ignited, each family will go inside the house and pray together.

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