The Clown Motel-Part 2

The Clown Motel-2

Tonopah, Nevada, USA

The motel was opened in 1985, with an initial collection of 150 clown dolls and figurines showcased in the lobby. The collection has since grown substantially, as many people who visit the motel bring clowns with them to donate – including yours truly. The motel has changed hands a couple of times since its inception, but each new owner has continued to honor its legacy of celebrating all things clown-related. And that legacy has been good for business!

The motel has been featured on several different television shows by now and has even had two horror movies filmed on location. Much of its eeriness comes from the fact that its closest neighbor is an eerie and reputedly haunted old cemetery; the entrance is just steps away from the motel’s lobby. Due to its proximity, the motel is thought by many to be haunted as well. The motel is popular among paranormal investigators and ghost hunters, as well as travelers like me who are simply on the hunt for good old-fashioned American kitsch.

I will go on record to state that I experienced nothing paranormal or unexplained during my stay, either in the motel or the adjacent cemetery. But it was a fun and very unique experience, and overall, I recommend a night in the Clown Motel to fellow adventurous travelers who enjoy straying off the beaten path once in a while. Management was extremely friendly and welcoming, the beds were comfy, the shower was hot, and the high-desert sunrise was gorgeous. I hope to make it back to the Clown Motel someday!

Clown Motel, Tonopah Nevada
Clown Motel, Tonopah Nevada
Rooms in the Clown Motel, Tonopah Nevada
Rooms in the Clown Motel, Tonopah Nevada
The clown doll I brought to donate to the museum’s collection: it makes me happy to know that I’ve personally contributed to the legacy of this quirky and unique motel.

My Previous Adventure: THE CLOWN MOTEL PART 1

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