5 Argentine movies highly recommended

Romina Lipinski

Watching movies about a country is an excellent way to learn about its culture:

    • How people dress.
    • What their daily rituals are.
    • How a family works.
    • What they eat.
    • What they do in their spare time.

Furthermore, each culture has its own way of telling a story (and each country has its own historical context behind it). Argentine cinema is one of the best in Latin America; however, it is more far-reaching than American and European cinema.

Unfortunately, you, my dear reader, have never watched an Argentine film. Therefore, I am bringing you a list of the best 5 Argentine movies.


5. Al final del túnel – At the End of the Tunnel (2016)

This is the story of a paraplegic man (he uses a wheelchair) who discovers that two thieves are tunneling under his house to rob a bank.

It is a strong story since the protagonist is a bitter man. Still, little by little, he rejoices by renting out his house and surrounding himself with good people.

At first, I wasn’t going to put this movie on the list, but an Egyptian friend told me he liked it. So I rewatched it recently, and I loved it. A highly recommended film if you like drama and suspense.


4. La ciénaga – The Swamp (2001)

This is another movie that I decided to watch again before making this list. It is a very complex film since you must intuit what is happening.

The plot introduces us to two Argentine families living in the province of Salta. Through their personal problems, we see how parents raise their children. These different relationships exist in these family groups, and how children grow up in a harsh and degrading environment.

It’s a movie to watch on a hot summer day.


3. Esperando la carroza – Waiting for the Hearse (1985)

This is the film that delved deeper into Argentine culture. From phrases repeated repeatedly in our daily lives to scenes that represent what it means to be Argentine, Esperando la carroza became a movie that every Argentine is obliged to see.

The plot is as follows: Mama Cora is 80 years old. She has 3 sons and 1 daughter, but none want to take care of her. So all the siblings meet to decide what to do with their mother when suddenly she disappears…

It is a film full of comedy, but it also reflects Argentine realities: the differences in social classes, the lack of interest in caring for the family’s oldest members, and the miseries that befell Argentina after the last military dictatorship.


2. El secreto de sus ojos – The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)

In 2009, this film won the Oscar for best international film. It is a dramatic and harrowing film to watch, but it is worth it.

The film is about the mystery of a murder. It’s about seeking justice in a country corrupted by a military dictatorship. It’s about the importance of those who committed a crime having to pay for it. It’s a film about love, human monstrosity, and the search for justice that does not exist.


1. Relatos salvajes – Wild Tales (2014)

Finally, we came to my favorite Argentine movie. Like the previous film, this one was nominated for an Oscar for best international film but did not win it. It isn’t easy to define what it is.

In the film, we find 6 violent stories and 6 shocking stories unrelated to each other except for their violence. Something magical about this movie is that everyone chooses a different favorite story after watching it. I have mine, but I will share it once you watch it and choose your favorite.


And here we come. Did you know any of these movies before? I hope that I have at least aroused a spark of interest in you and made you want to see one of these films. I hope you enjoy it and discover a different kind of cinema than what you are used to. Thanks for reading!



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